A project by Julia Krahn
Peace Flags
Portraits of Ukrainian refugee women
ST. JAVELIN is the latest project by Julia Krahn. The artist has invited Ukrainian refugees to tell their stories through images and interviews (available at the link below the photos).
ST. JAVELIN is the name given to a saint invented during the war, inspired by the missile “Javelin” sent to Ukraine in support of the resistance, which has become a symbol of the Patroness Madonna. This paradox of a mother holding a weapon, death instead of life, was the motivation that brought Julia Krahn closer to Ukrainian women.
The only weapon that the artist intends to use is empathy, hence the choice to insert a self-portrait in the project. The artist has in her hands her weapon, the button of the camera and invites the refugees to do the same, describing their weapons of daily resistance, made to build and never to destroy. A mother would never choose war for her children.
“I’m not talking about the war, its impossible reasons for existing or who’s keeping it burning, but the people who are suffering it. Regardless of thought, position or status, they fled to save their children and left their husbands behind. In addition to propaganda there are real people. Each one with their own story. I welcome in the studio those who want to share theirs.” (JK)
The project was realized in collaboration with Associazione Festivà, Camera dei Deputati, Museo Novecento Firenze, Paxos Biennale, PhEST Festival, Stiftung Garnisonkirche Potsdam, Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
We thank Municipality of Sorrento, Associazione I Penultimi and Hilfswerk Siedlung GmbH for their support.
Current exhibitionS
Past exhibitionS
Stiftung Garnisonkirche – Potsdam (DE)
Feb 22 – Apr 9, 2023
Elegia per la Pace / Montecitorio – Roma (IT)
Feb 24 – Mar 8, 2023
Museo Novecento – Florence (IT)
curated by Sergio Risaliti
Nov 25, 2022 – Jan 29, 2023
Festival PhEST – Monopoli (IT)
Sep 9 – Nov 1, 2022
Ukrainian Independence Day – Montréal (CA)
Aug 24, 2022
Paxos Biennale – Paxos (GR)
Jun 4 – Oct 1 2022
ST. JAVELIN – Sorrento (IT)
May 27 – Jul 3, 2022 / extended Oct 3, 202

JULIA (Culture)
“I allowed myself to wear blue like the women I have portrayed, precisely because I perceive my job as a very important weapon against war.
Culture is like a fertile land, where life grows well.
Art has always created bridges between different worlds and thoughts. It knows how to go beyond war.
It is witness, memory but also revolution, vital energy.
In the last few weeks I’ve been like this, all blue.
I suffer with the women and their country. I also try to protect myself, mostly from the media and ignorance. But I’m not afraid. I defend myself with what I know how to do, my art, the self-timer.
Because to look at the world with open eyes, I believe we must first look inside, deeply. “
Main sponsors

Technical sponsors

In collaboration with

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